My very good friend Mike Connor is 64 today. He is symbolic of all of us for lots of reasons. He's living his dream, sailing the northern waters with his wife Michelle, who he is damn lucky to have beside of him, as is anyone of his age and education and upbringing. Michelle and Mike are both beautiful people who don't hide their humanity and human frailty. Mike and I and all the men like us should get down on our knees and thank whoever runs the Universe for sending us the women we married. Because we are clots. We don't tell these amazing people how much we love them. We don't let them stay in bed while we bring them breakfast often enough. We don't listen to them. We don't. We hear them, but not because we are listening. Not that Mike doesn't listen to Michelle - I am sure he does. But he's a male, so there's every chance he doesn't "hear" what she's saying. So my wish for Mike on reaching 64 with the woman of his dreams (and all of us men who are married to wonderful but weary women ... "She may be weary, women do get weary...") is that we find the secret to letting them know how important they are to us. (Men have blissful lives when they discover this skill.)
Happy 64th Mike.
He once played drums in the backing band for The Big Bopper (who died in the plane crash with Buddy Holly)
He drinks Gin neat.
He is a sailor from Boston Harbour (where the world's first giant tea bag set off the AMerican Revolution.)
His wife is part psychic, part energy healer, part sailor... and full of brilliance.