Saturday, March 08, 2008

Media madness

There's always a camera stuck in your face.
Here is Louisa being interviewed for Regional Television outside Hamilton NZ. Mandy, the journalist, is a shoestring budget operator who will one day control the Universe.

This film crew from New Mexico is making a documentary called "Healing the Earth" and they spent 2 days with usfilming. Here they are interviewing Ian Chapman down by the river. Ian is a TAFE Co-ordinator of courses such as woolclassing, shearing, etc. He shares many of our beliefs about weeds and pesticides, etc.

Christopher Schueler, who is making the documentary, is from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and he has had a long career in television and film. He brought Randy the cameraman with him and picked up david the soundman here in Australia.

The sheep will be complaining to their agents if we have too many more film crews arrive.

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