Saturday, February 04, 2006

Big game hunting!

This is what we hunt at Uamby. Foxes. Feral cats. Introduced species. And we take the occasional roo for meat for the dogs. The foxes are so prevalent, you could shoot this many every night and they just keep breeding and breeding. They kills domestic chickens, they kill lambs and ewes having trouble lambing. They kill small marsupials, like native mice. They have wiped out many species of fury animals and birds since some idiot from England thought to bring them here so he and hsi mates could 'ride to hounds'. Funny, you can still ride to hounds in Australia, but not in England. They banned it. Because they want to protect the foxes over there.
Feral cats are terrifying. They are the most vicious animal in our area. More aggressive than a brown snake. Perhaps wild pigs are worse. Feral cats can grow as big as a dog. I saw a large, heavy furred one come down to our sheep ayrds one day and it stood as high as the third railing - it looked through the gap between the second and third railing. I hought it was a wild dog until I saw its fur. Here pussy. Bang!
We keep five dogs loose at night to warn off foxes and feral cats from the homestead. They break out barking twice or three times a night. It's nice to hear them.

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