A family of five king parrots have made Uamby their temporary home. The parents and three fledglings are feasting on our plumbs and pears and the seeds on the Crepe Myrtle and other trees. The harassed parents move from tree to tree, looking thoroughly bored with their adolescent children who keep up a constant stream of demands and nagging.

Other recent visitors include the melodious Grey Shrike Thrush, enjoying the heat. We also have regular visitors like the Dollar Bird who flies down from New Guinea each year to spend Christmas with us, perching on the highest point on the dead tree that holds our letterbox.STRIATED PARDELOT

And we have Striated Pardelots who nest in the ivy on the garage. We have a huge, unruly gang of White Cockatoos who hang out in the trees along the river. And the usual suspects, the Galahs. We also have a family of Welcome Swallows nesting on our verandah. There are also Pied Mudlarks, Straw Necked Ibis, White Faced Cranes, Magpies, Top Knot Pidgeons, Zebra Finches, Blue Wrens, Silvereyes, Grass Parrots, Apostle Birds, Blue Eyed Honeyeater, Eastern Rosella, Azure Kingfisher, Black Ducks, Moor Hens, White-wingfed Cheough, Little Ravens abound, especially during lambing. Little Wattlebirds and Noisy Friar Birds sqwark and fight in the silky oaks, especially during flowering... Boobook owls call at night. Black SHouldered Kites and Kestrels can be seen hunting. And a big Brown Falcon lives somewhere along our access road. Occasionally we'll get a black swan on the largest dam, and a Pelican or two, stopping over for up to a couple of weeks on their way somewhere else. Then there is the song bird whose tuneful carolling enlivens each morning: the Butcher Bird. Noisy Mynas. A couple of years ago we had a young Wedge Tailed Eagle set up camp in one of the trees down by the river. My little Canon Digital isn't ideal for 'shooting' birdlife. I need great deal of cooperation from the birds. Thankfully the Kingies sat still for me. I've put in an order for a telephoto lens. You'll know when I get it.
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